![]() Ahoy yonder swabbies, and other learned pirate folk! This be a place where I can leave ye graphical diagrams, tips, and information- everything ye need to sail a ship! I'm in the process of completing some of these areas, and adding a couple more, so bear with me! If I seem to be repeating facts a lot or stating the obvious, it's because I want to keep information here for people of all skill levels and people who need detailed and repeating explanations as well as those who pick things up really easily. I'm sorry if this irritates or offends you, and to accomodate our advanced players I've split things up into different categories- this means that if you've already learnt something or want to find a specific hint, it's conveniently linked at the start of the page. I also suggest that if you've been playing less than a month you may need to start at at least the "intermediate" steps for most puzzles. Advanced means, at least, "I constantly score excellent or incredible." Sometimes intermediate will mean this as well- although the hints do build on each other, so as long as you understand the section beforehand, it may be that the next one can help you, too. Recently I've made an effort to ensure not only that incorrect and out-of-date information is removed, but that the info on how each puzzle is controlled, the basic "aim" of the puzzle, its basic "physics," and its "combo" mechanic are all listed on each page. 2004-10-08, standard (decreasing in size) date format. Added alchemy info, updated distilling to reflect economic changes, site redesign. Key graphics updated. Pages as of yet incomplete: Navigation is missing its most advanced step, distilling is missing its most advanced step, alchemy needs graphics and a step-based approach, gunnery needs graphics and a step-based approach. Need to document keyboard contols properly for each puzzle... I've added info about the difficulty scaling factor to all duty puzzles, and of course included it in Alchemy. At the moment, the page is *slightly* ahead of the midnight server, pre-empting the next release with Azure test information. 2004-09-14, standard (decreasing in size) date format. Maps page updated so that I only have to upload new maps from one place- they should always be correct here from now on. Navigation and corpentry had major updates this time, although there are more to come yet. 2004-01-09, standard (decreasing in size) date format. Maps page was updated to show links to all versions of my map of the Ocean, and the maps themselves are now updated. Previously only two maps were here due to 50megs not allowing files over a certain limit (300kb or something) on their servers, so I've linked most of them from my other host. (only the commodity information, and the addition of icons for the current "freemarket" islands that are the only colonised ones) I still need help with these! PM me any commodity information you have that I dont! Also any ships that aren't green that attack YOU anywhere I've got marked as grey. I also need to know if there is a Xi-Eclipse chart, thanks. Swordfighting pattern analysis was VERY out of date, the patterns themselves having changed twice since it was last up to date, and the system having changed at that second time. It'll be more in line with TedV's level of analysis soon, but of course with my own opinions on each sword. Navigation also needs improvement, but bilge, carpentry, and distilling are newly updated. Sea Battle has been started. (this tutorial is on battle navigation, not sea battle swordfighting) Information from Nemo also indicates sailing will need updating soon, as they're going to change it a little to balance out the puzzle a bit. (read sailing "imbalances" thread in Game Design. [quotes added]) Also added a bunch more placeholders. In the ones for weaving and smithing I've placed my own "proposals." I've also added the general idea that had been confirmed to be in line with the devs thoughts for Alchemy. All the crafting puzzles now explain a little about how they effect the economy, which store they are at, and where, if I know from the old placeholder crafting puzzle, you can find their station at I think I'm missing the station for the apothecary, so someone PM me on the forum if you remember. It's not a big deal, but I'll have screenshots later on to show people where things are. I've started the New Players guide section, which I feel most YPP sites should have, (just so we can drill some of this information into anyone who'll listen, so they don't experience it the LOOONG way) and again, if you've been playing for under a month, there's stuff you might have missed there. In fact, one of the buttons mentioned there got missed by an experienced SO in my crew for like three months since he started playing. ![]() |